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Posted on February 27, 2019
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Apollo 11 (2019)
Release : 2019-03-01 Genre : Documentary Runtime : 90 minutes Home Page : Company : Statement Pictures, CNN Films Cast :
A look at the Apollo 11 mission to land on the moon led by commander Neil Armstrong and pilot Buzz Aldrin.
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Apollo 11 WikipediaApollo 11 was the spaceflight that landed the first two people on the er Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin both American landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle on July 20 1969 at 2017 ng became the first person to step onto the lunar surface six hours later on July 21 at 025615 UTC Aldrin joined him 19 minutes laterApollo 11 Mission Overview NASA brings you the latest images videos and news from Americas space agency Get the latest updates on NASA missions watch NASA TV live and learn about our quest to reveal the unknown and benefit all humankindApollo 11 We Choose the Moon Celebrating the 40th is an interactive experience recreating the historic Apollo 11 mission to the Moon in real time Once where only three men made the trip now millions can Live event begins 932 AM EDT July 16 2009 Exactly 40 years after Apollo 11 lifted offJuly 20 1969 One Giant Leap For Mankind NASAApollo 11 40th anniversary Armstrong Aldrin CollinsApollo 11 First Men on the Moon SpaceThe historic launch of the Apollo 11 mission carried three astronauts toward the moon Two of them would set foot on the lunar surface for the first time in human history as millions of people Apollo 11 – Wikipédia a enciclopédia livreA Apollo 11 foi um voo espacial tripulado norteamericano responsável pelo primeiro pouso na LuaO comandante Neil Armstrong e o piloto Buzz Aldrin pousaram o módulo lunar Eagle em 20 de julho de 1969 às 20h17min ng tornouse o primeiro ser humano a pisar na superfície lunar seis horas depois já no dia 21 seguido por Aldrin vinte minutos depoisApollo 11 — WikipédiaApollo 11 est une mission du programme spatial américain Apollo au cours de laquelle pour la première fois des hommes se sont posés sur la Lune le 20 juillet 1969Lagence spatiale américaine la NASA remplit ainsi lobjectif fixé par le président John F Kennedy en 1961 de poser un équipage sain et sauf sur la Lune avant la fin des années 1960 dans le but de démontrer la Apollo 11 – WikipediaApollo 11 ist der Name des ersten bemannten Fluges mit einer war eine Raumfahrtmission im Rahmen des ApolloProgramms der USamerikanischen Raumfahrtbehörde Mission verlief erfolgreich und erfüllte die 1961 von USPräsident John F Kennedy erteilte Aufgabe an die Nation noch vor Ende des Jahrzehnts einen Menschen zum Mond und wieder sicher zurück zur Erde zu bringenThe First Men on the Moon The Apollo 11 Lunar LandingIn 1969 the entire world watched as three men explored the unknown Watch listen and relive the excitement of the Apollo 11 lunar landing as experienced minutebyminute by the courageous crew of Apollo 11 and Mission ControlApollo program WikipediaThe Apollo program also known as Project Apollo was the third United States human spaceflight program carried out by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA which succeeded in landing the first humans on the Moon from 1969 to 1972 First conceived during Dwight D Eisenhowers administration as a threeman spacecraft to follow the oneman Project Mercury which put the first
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